Thursday, April 5, 2012

Water - Drink More!

8 ounces. not a lot of water, but your body needs it and much more than that. We need water to regulate our body functions and flush out waste and toxins from our system.

OK, How much water do you need? Its different for everyone but I have a simple formula. Take your weight and divide it by two and drink that number in ounces every day. Simple! If you weigh 175 pounds you need to drink 87 ounces of water, eleven 8 ounce cups.

I know what your thinking, Are you Nuts! No. I hit my water needs everyday with no issues. Yes, I make more trips to the restroom, but its part of my total wellness plan and i'm never dehydrated.

Get a 24 ounce water bottle, fill it and drink it 4 times a day, unsweetened iced or hot tea counts too. Squeeze a wedge of lemon or lime into the water for flavor. Your morning coffee counts as water so know the ounces in the sizes from your favorite coffee shop.

And by coffee I mean Coffee. Not a venti mocha latte with soy whip and a shot of caramel. That's not coffee, that's dessert. Soda and fruit drinks have too much sugar so I don't drink them often and when I do, I don't count them as water in my nutrition plan.

We need water to survive and staying fully hydrated throughout the day is one step to better health and general wellness.

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