Sunday, April 22, 2012

Gadgets! - Endomondo Pro tracker app

The Endomondo tracking app for your smart phone is one of the best apps I've tried to keep track of how many miles and calories I've burned on a walk or bike ride.

Its a GPS tracking app so you need to make sure the GPS is enabled on your smart phone to get all the data needed to track your workouts. You choose from a wide range of workouts from walking, running, biking to kite surfing, really too many to list here. You let the GPS locate you, then start your workout. There's even a count down to give you a few seconds before you start your workout. The app will chime in once you hit the 1 mile mark with the time it took to get there. It will update you if you are doing laps with your split time too.

The app integrates with your music library and plays your playlists through the app, pausing the music to give your your updates. Once complete you get to view all the stats of your workout including elevation, average speed, distance, duration, calories burned, slowest and fastest laps, graphs of these and a map of your routes. It even lists most well knows trails too! There is an optional Heart Rate Monitor that can be paired with your smart phone and purchased on the Endomondo website.

You will need to register the app by signing up for a free account, and you can send your workouts directly to Facebook. They have versions of the app for Blackberry, Android and iPhone. There is a free lite version you can try first and if you like it upgrade to the Pro version that sells for $3.99 USD.  For more info check out the Endomondo Website.

I've used this app for two months and have no complaints with it. I give this one 5 stars!

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