Friday, April 6, 2012

Get some exercise

Mountain BikingExercise is an important part of getting into shape and staying healthy. Even walking your dog for 30 minutes helps burn a few calories. If you haven't been exercising for awhile I suggest taking it slow and perhaps even see your doctor first. 
There are three basic types of exercise you can do, flexibility, aerobic and anaerobic.

Flexibility is simply stretching the muscles to improve your range of motion. Yoga, Tai Chi and basic warm up stretches are examples. 

Aerobic works your cardiovascular system. You know, cardio workouts like walking, jogging, bicycling, StairMaster, treadmill, swimming, etc. Any exercise that increases your heart rate is an aerobic workout.

Anaerobic is resistance training. weight lifting, free weights, Bow-Flex machines or anything that tasks the muscle groups.

Starting slow with walking is the best way to ease back into getting some exercise and build up from there. Increase your walking speed and try to beat your last time on your favorite route. If you have any workout videos, use them in the privacy of your home. Get on a bicycle, go jogging, get on a treadmill if the weather is bad. like the slogan says, "Just Do It!" Increasing your heart rate and keeping it up for at least 20 minutes will help raise your metabolism and burn those calories.

Do sit-ups and push-ups if possible as you don't need to purchase any equipment to get started. Bend your knees to the floor and do push-ups like this to build up the muscles. Use your body as the weight! Grab a couple cans of soup and lift those. Once you feel comfortable then get some 3, 5 or 10 pound dumbbells to work with. Even resistance bands are an effective and inexpensive alternative to dumbbells. Just follow the instructions for the best results. Lean strong muscle helps burn fat tissue too. You don't need to "get Jacked and Ripped", just tone up the muscle groups.

Before and after any exercise routine, you should stretch. Runners leg stretches, forward bend and touch your toes. Hands up over your head and side bend left, then right.  Don't Bounce! Slowly ease into a stretch, hold it then slowly come out.

I really messed up my back a few winters ago and my chiropractor suggested Yoga. I was in a lot of pain and was willing to give anything a try. Well, Iv'e been doing it over a year, I haven't been back to the chiropractor and I can forward bend and lay my hands flat on the floor. Not bad for a 40 something!

The point is to just get moving. doing anything to get outside or even a trip to the mall to walk around is better that doing nothing.

1 comment:

  1. FYI I did 8 miles on my mountain bike today. first time in 5 years since I've ridden. It was a very good ride!
