Monday, August 12, 2013

Workout Calendar

I was looking for some new motivation as Iv'e just got back from vacation and needed some motivation and came across this image. I like the idea of putting a sticker or stamp on a calendar to mark when I do a workout and what type. If I do Yoga or hit the gym and do cardio. Each activity can have a different sticker. Or simply mark the calendar with a marker, sharpie or highlighter.

Just put the calendar in a place where you will see it everyday and know of you skipped a workout or not.

You can find this and much more Motivation over at The Berry.

Percy's Peaks New Hampshire, USA

We embarked on a trek with the goal of reaching the summit of North Percy peak last week, but due to the rain that had fallen making the steep trail slippery we decided to call it a day early.

Percy's Peaks are a twin mountain formation with a north and a south peak with North Percy topping out at 3430 feet. It was a sunny day and we had a great hike up to about 2200 feet where the trail got steeper. It was a good place to stop and have lunch.

Large bolder left by retreating glacier.

View of the valley at approx 2200'.

View looking up the mountain from 2200'.