Thursday, July 24, 2014

Workout Burnout

Its been awhile since I was here. I really just walked away from working out on a regular basis and I didn't miss it at first. Life has a way of getting in the way of some goals and some things need to take a back seat for more important stuff.

I still ate well, at first, even if my portion sizes started to get larger. As time progressed I started eating more unhealthy snacks like Twizzlers and licorice. More breads and high carb foods. But after about 6 months I started to notice things. Disturbing things.

My clothes started to fit tighter. My motivation was down. I needed a nap in the middle of the day. Mid-afternoon coffee was becoming my friend again. No Energy. All. Systems. Down.

I'm paying for a Gym membership I'm not using and my Wife hasn't been able to workout much either due to a couple of injures & surgeries that take months to heal. We started this together and I feel bad for leaving her behind.

Well, slowly we are starting to get the eating right again. That was the very first thing we fixed when we started to get fit in the first place. We have had more salads for dinner with a side of beef, chicken or fish in the last 3 week than in the last 6 months. We eat less bread and pasta and I've begun to track my daily calorie and water intake again, an important step in the right direction.

Next is to ramp up the exercise again. My previous goals were too lofty which I think was partly to blame for stopping. I'll turn 50 this year and I am starting to feel my knees a little more and one of my elbows gives me problems. I'll just have to devise a workout routine that is flexible and interesting for me to drop a few pounds and tone things up again.

The bottom line is that I recognize how I have strayed and I know how to eat properly to maintain a healthy lifestyle. I just have to get back to it. If this has happened to you, don't beat yourself up over it. But do something about it.

Just! Get! Moving!