Tuesday, September 4, 2012


Protein is the main staple of your nutrition plan and you need it to rebuild all your cells and to build strong, lean muscle. Eating a protein rich diet will help maintain your muscle mass while you eat to lose fat, and will help build more muscle while you workout to tone up and increase your muscle mass.

Much has been written about how much protein you should have daily and at one time. This will vary with each person and their individual goals. Most people will need 80 to 110 grams of protein per day.

That is to maintain your muscle mass while working to drop the fat pounds and maintain good health. You can eat up to your body weight in grams if you do more vigorous workouts to help build that muscle mass. This is where I'm at now and with a balanced nutrition plan I have experienced no ill effects and am seeing better muscle tone.

Now, a healthy person can eat more protein than that with no ill effects, but there is no benefit to doing so. First, your body simply does not need more than that and will simply pass the extra protein out. Second, for those with kidney disease, a high protein diet can be toxic so check with your doctor if your not sure.

OK, those numbers up there can only do you good if you spread the protein intake out over the entire day. There are many items in the healthy food section of Walmart that have huge amounts of protein. If you have one of those high protein snack bars or beverages, you are putting in more protein at one time than your body needs. Remember, If you eat breakfast, a morning snack, lunch, early & late afternoon snack and dinner, and if you are eating to lose weight, 15g of protein per meal is plenty.

If you are working out to tone and build muscle, then kicking it up before a workout is recommended as well as eating a protein rich snack within 30 minutes after completing a strenuous workout. I like a Herbalife Rebuild Strength shake after a hard workout. 24 grams of protein to help replenish and rebuild muscle AFTER a workout. Like those high protein items in most GNC or other "Health Food" outlets, these items are intended for after a workout, not as a mid afternoon snack.

As always, if you have any questions or not sure whats right for you, go see your doctor.

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