Thursday, February 28, 2013

My Workout - Boot Camp

I try to attend a Boot Camp style workout at least once a week. I've found that its a good change of pace from the regular workouts I do and challenges many of my muscles in ways I could not imagine. 

The one's I've been attending have been done through my nutrition club but many gyms have been adding them to  their workout schedules. I've even seen trainers offer them as personal training classes. If you haven't tried one yet, I suggest you do. Especially when its performed outdoors. 

Most Boot Camp Workouts are a variety of body weight exercises, push ups, sit ups, squats, etc. or variations of the same combined with core building, jumping and running. Boot Camps can be done where everyone does the same exercise at the same time or broken into smaller groups and you rotate through different stations, or both.

Its a great way to challenge yourself and improve your cardiovascular health while building your muscle strength.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Do NOT Skip Meals!

Rapid Guacamole Ala Fieri

For a quick and simple Guacamole take three Haas avocados, seeded and the meat scoped into a bowl. I like to rough chop the avocado so its chunky. Then add three tablespoons of Guy Fieri's Salsa Verde and mix it up. Let it sit for an hour and serve.

Serve with Ryvita or Wasa crackers for a great tasting healthy snack. You can add more salsa to taste or your favorite spices to jazz it up some.

No, I'm not getting paid for this. It's just good and easy.

My Workout - Office Abs

During the Winter months its hard to get out at lunch time for a walk or a run and my fitness center is too far away to get a 30 minute workout done during lunch.

I do have space at work to do some simple exercises to keep my abs toned up and I don't feel like I'm wasting the day not getting a workout in.

Below is my 10 min Office Abs Workout.

1 Min 30 Sec: Seated Knee lifts
·         Sit up straight, lift both feet off the floor 3 inches and contract your abs, hold for 10 seconds. Repeat.

1 Min: Seated bicycles
·         Sit on the edge of your chair and lean back some; start moving your legs in a pedaling motion for one minute.

1 Min: Seated Russian twists
·         Sit on your desk or floor, lean back and keep your knees bent and feet off the floor. Hold a water bottle, or clasp your hands together and drop your hands next to your hips to the left, then the right. Repeat for one minute.

1 Min: Front plank

1 Min: Left side plank

1 Min: Right side plank

1 Min: Crunches

1 Min: Leg drop
·       Raise both legs toward the ceiling. Breathe in and tighten your abs. Exhale and slowly lower your legs until they’re about four inches above the floor (or as low as you can go without lifting the small of your back). Pause and breathe in. Breathe out as you raise your legs to the starting position.

1 Min: Scissors
·         Raise both legs toward the ceiling. Keeping them straight, lower your left leg until it’s about six inches off the floor. Lift your head and shoulders off the floor and grasp the back of your right leg, gently pulling it toward you. Switch legs and repeat on other side.

30 Sec: Seated Bicycles 

Rest for 15 seconds between exercises.

If you are feeling ambitious, do a second set with a 1 min rest between sets.